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Berry Berenson's Death

Berry Berenson

She was born in Manhattan and that's where she died. Berinthia "Berry" Berenson was a photographer, actress and model. Her maternal grandmother was Italian-born fashion designer Elsa Schiaperelli…

Berry Berenson

…and her older sister Marissa…

Berry Berenson

…won fame as a model and actress.

After a short modeling career in the 1960's…

Berry Berenson 1960's

…Berry worked as a photographer and some of her photos appeared in Life and Newsweek magazines.

She also appeared in several movies and was the wife of actor Anthony Perkins…

Berry Berenson with Anthony Perkins

…with whom she appeared in "Remember My Name", in 1978.

They had two sons…

Berry Berenson with two sons

…Osgood and Elvis, and she stood by Perkins for two years as he was secretly dying of AIDS. He passed in September, 1992.

Berry Berenson 1992

After a Cape Cod vacation in September, 2001, she was flying home to California and was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11….

Berry Berenson 9/11 attack on world trade center

…when the 9/11 hijackers struck.

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