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Hermann Goering's Death

Hermann Goering

One of the most notorious criminals in the Second World War, it appeared justice had finally caught up with him. But Hermann Goering gave the hangman the slip.

Millions of people considered Goering to be a monster. A leading member of the Nazi party he founded the Gestapo and headed the Luftwaffe, Germany's Air Force during World War II. Hitler even designated him as his successor and deputy in all offices.

That fell apart when Goering found out the Fuhrer contemplated suicide towards the end of the war and he asked the dictator if he could take over. Hitler promptly removed him from all of his posts and ordered Goering arrested.

After the war ended, Hitler was dead, and Goering was convicted of war crimes at the Nuremberg trials. He was sentenced to be hanged but he committed suicide the night before his walk to the gallows by swallowing cyanide, smuggled into his cell in a jar of cold cream.

Hermann Goering Dead