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The Nine Eleven Terrorists' Deaths

- The Nine Eleven Terrorists
- Criminals
- September 11, 2001
- Plane Crash
They were a team of religious zealots encouraged to stage an attack inside the United States to kill Americans. On September 11, 2001 they did just that, with a series of coordinated attacks devised by Khalid Sheik Mohammed…

…with the approval of the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist group, Osama Bin Laden.

The first attack involved crashing two planes into New York's World Trade Center.

The team of killers led by Mohammed Atta hijacked American Airlines flight 11 ….

…plowing directly into the North tower of the Trade Center.
While it burned…

…a second passenger jet, United Airlines Flight 175 was commandeered and flown by Marwan Al-Shehhi into the South tower.
Both buildings collapsed, causing death and destruction in the surrounding area.
Meantime in Washington D.C., the terror crew led by Hani Hanjour took over American Airlines Flight 77 and flew into the Pentagon building, headquarters of the U.S Department of Defense.

And a fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was heading toward another DC landmark when its passengers rose up and fought. It fell well short of its mark, when hijacker-pilot Ziad Jarrah crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

The attacks directly killed nearly 3,000 people – 2,977 victims and the 19 hijackers
It is said these men regarded themselves as religious martyrs and they believed they were heading for paradise. However, millions of Americans consider them murdering terrorists, and in "anything but" heaven.