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Steve Jobs's Death

- Steve Jobs
- Inventor, Business Mogul
- February 24, 1955
- October 5, 2011
- Cancer
He's been called a visionary and the greatest American inventor since Thomas Edison. High praise indeed and pretty much on the mark! While Edison gave us the light bulb, phonograph, and the movie camera, Steve Jobs helped develop the personal computer and introduced the iPod and iTunes music delivery systems, the iPad tablet computer, and the iPhone - - which consolidated all of his previous work (and then some) in a device small enough to carry in your pocket! His App Store opened the flood gates for other content developers.
His natural parents were John Jandali, from Syria, and Joann Schieble. They met at the University of Wisconsin, but her family objected to their relationship and when their son was born, he was immediately adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, who Steve always regarded as his parents.
Steve grew up in California, moving from San Francisco to Mountain View when he was five. His father taught him about rudimentary electronics and how to work with his hands. In school, Steve tested off the charts and was encouraged to skip a few grades. (His parents consented to one skipped class level.) But Steve was bored with his formal classes and was known for playing pranks.

He was accepted to Reed College, a costly proposition for the Jobs' family and left after six months, dipping into occasional classes over the next year and a half.
His first job was at electronic game-maker Atari, where he met Steve Wozniack.

In 1976, they decided to bust out on their own, co-founding the Apple Computer Company. Corporate headquarters was the Jobs' family garage in Mountain View.

Wozniack single handedly developed the Apple I and Apple II computers.

By 1978, Jobs lured John Scully from PepsiCo to be Apple's chief operating officer. Jobs saw the wisdom in the mouse-driven, graphical user interface developed by Xerox and the Macintosh computer came next, ballyhooed by a commercial that played only once, during the 1984 Super Bowl.
Despite his charismatic and persuasive ways, Jobs' employees often found him difficult and temperamental. In 1985, Jobs was squeezed out of the company he co-founded and later said it was the best thing that ever happened to him. (Wozniak left the company in 1987.)
Jobs started NeXT Computer in 1985, with innovations developed at NeXT providing the platform for the Apple store and the iTunes store. Jobs also changed the way animated films are made. In 1986, he laid the foundation for Pixar, which revolutionized filmed animation and later sold it to the pioneering grand-daddy of cartoons, the Walt Disney Company.
Meantime, Apple floundered and when it bought NeXT in 1996, it also marked the return of Steve Jobs.

…and he enjoyed his greatest success in the next several years with that string of amazing devices that followed.
Steve Jobs had a daughter, Lisa, in 1978 with Bay Area painter Chrisann Brennan.
And Jobs married Laurene Powell in 1991.

They had three children, son Reed and daughters Erin and Eve.

But something was wrong, because Steve was losing weight.

He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003 and he experimented with some alternative treatments. He also received a liver transplant, for which he was very grateful.
In 2010, Steve Jobs' net worth was estimated at eight and a third billion dollars. But after a wasting illness…

…Steve Jobs died in 2011. His final words, with his family present, were "Oh Wow", repeated three times before losing consciousness.
Steve Jobs is buried at the Alta Mesa Memorial Park…

…in Palo Alto, California.