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L’Wren Scott's Death

- L’Wren Scott
- Fashion Designer
- April 28, 1964
- March 12, 2014
- Suicide
The life and death of L'Wren Scott:
She was a highly respected American fashion and costume designer and a model and celebrity stylist. She was also well-known as being the companion of one of the biggest rock stars in history, Mick Jagger. However, she died at the end of a scarf in her New York City apartment, and speculation about why she did it ranged from financial problems in her business to personal issues in her relationships.
She was born Luann Bambrough and was raised by her adoptive parents Ivan and Lula. The Bambrough's were Mormons and Luann grew up with her brother Randall and sister Jan in Roy, Utah.

Always tall, she'd hit the six foot mark by the time she was 12 and eventually grew to 6' 3".
After graduating high school she was spotted at a Calvin Klein photo shoot and left for Paris to pursue a modeling career. It clicked and she modeled for Chanel and for famous photographers like David Bailey, Guy Bourdin and Jean-Paul Goude.
From there, she moved to California in the early 1990's, establishing herself as a celebrity stylist. An early ad campaign was for Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds…
…which went on to become the biggest selling celebrity fragrance in the world. L'Wren went on to become a very influential celebrity stylist.
In 2001, after they met at a photo shoot, she became romantically linked with Rolling Stones' lead man, Mick Jagger. Mick will always be a rock giant. But at 5'10, his 6' 3" girlfriend towered over him by a good five inches.

They were together for thirteen years, up until the day she died.
By 2009, she was contributing clothing designs for a Madonna photo shoot and worked with actress Julia Roberts in 2001. She also designed costumes for movies like "Ocean's Thirteen" and "Eyes Wide Shut."
However, her real claim to fame was as a fashion designer, and her first collection. "Little Black Dress" was launched in 2006. Hollywood stars like Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica Parker, Nicole Kidman and Amy Adams all wore Scott dresses to the Academy Awards.
L'Wren also designed a clothing collection for Banana Republic and even launched a handbag collection in 2011, named Lula, after her mother.

However, by early 2014, storm clouds were gathering. The London Fashion Week showing of her fall 2014 collection was cancelled.
On March 17th, as New York City was gearing up for its big, annual St. Patrick's Day parade, L'Wren was found dead in her apartment in Manhattan's Chelsea district. She was found by an assistant hanging from a balcony door handle with a scarf around her neck. There was no note and no sign of foul play. The medical examiner concluded the cause of the fashionista's death was suicide by hanging. L'Wren Scott was 49 years old.
Jagger was shocked and the Stones cancelled their remaining tour dates in Australia and New Zealand.
Several celebrities mourned her on line, including Jagger's former wife, Bianca.
However, a lot of controversy also swirled. The "Daily Mail" reported she misled Mick about her business debts by taking out a loan against the Manhattan apartment he'd bought her, and where she was found dead. The paper also reported that Jagger was growing frustrated at pumping cash into her business, which reports said was close to six million dollars in the red.
A Jagger spokesman downplayed the reported fighting over money. And her company, L'Wren Scott Fashion Limited, issued a statement saying she was considering a restructuring, but that even though as a private company, LS Fashion Ltd. didn't issue numbers, the long term prospects for the firm were encouraging.
Adding to the reported stress in L'Wren's life, "Hollywood Life" had a story that Mick's four daughters never allowed her to become part of the family, treating her as an outsider.
And the "Daily Mail" and Fox News both reported that L'Wren's final resting place was in dispute. Her sister, Jan Shane, wanted her remains returned to Utah to be laid to rest near her already deceased parents. The family said the names of all three of their children are etched into the gravestone at a cemetery in North Ogden.
However, Mick held a very private, intimate funeral service for her in Los Angeles...

…eight days after she died.
Security was extra tight with the entire Hollywood Forever Cemetery on lockdown.

Cemetery security guards shut the gates to visitors trying to reach their graves of their loved ones.

The Los Angeles police were called to maintain order outside before the funeral motorcade arrived through a side entrance.
Jagger and sixty family members and friends gathered. Three generations of the rock star's family spoke – Mick, his daughter Jade and two of his grandkids. No other Stones were seen in attendance, but L'Wren's brother, Randy Bambrough, also spoke words of tribute.
However, the day after the service, the mystery deepened. L'Wren was sitting on a nine million dollar pot of gold and left it all to the already uber-wealthy Mick. It included her eight million dollar condo, furniture and furnishings, cars, jewelry, clothing, everything.
Her siblings received none of the treasure. L'Wren stated that she intentionally omitted any provision for them and it was learned she hadn't spoken to her older sister Jan Shane for six years, when their mother died. It's not clear why she cut out her older brother Randall, who was named director of her company in November, 2013.
However, Randall did receive half of her ashes, to bury with the parents in Utah. Mick got the rest and Randall wasn't sure what he planned to do with them.

Randall says the Los Angeles funeral was in line with L'Wren's wishes and that she wanted Jagger to be in control of the arrangements.