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Kenneth Lay's Death

Kenneth Lay

The life and death of Kenneth Lay:

This business mogul's name is linked to accounting fraud and corporate abuse, for his leadership in the corruption scandal that brought down Enron Corporation.

Kenneth Lay, who was born and raised in Missouri, was the son of a Baptist preacher. He studied economics at the University of Missouri and worked his way through the energy industry, starting with Exxon in 1970.

He also worked as a federal energy regulator in the early '70's and in the '80's rose to the top of the newly merged and renamed Enron Corporation. He became one of the highest paid corporate bosses in the country with a deal in excess of 42 million dollars, but it all started to unravel as Lay dumped his stock while encouraging underlings to buy.

He was indicted, convicted of six counts of conspiracy and was awaiting sentencing in October 2006 when he died of a heart attack while vacationing in Colorado.

For more information, please view Kenneth Lay's arrest and the broader Enron Scandal.

Business Moguls